One of the main priorities of Trade Quo Global LTD is to protect the privacy and safeguard of the personal and financial information of our current and potential clients and website visitors. It is explained in following Security Policy statement how the Company collects, processes and protects the information. In Security Policy it is described how Trade Quo Global LTD preserves the confidentiality of personal data of the Clients and network users. By using the official web-site of the Company https://tradequo.com (以下简称网站)您接受给定的安全政策。
公司可能会将部分职能外包给 TQBG Ltd,该公司是在塞浦路斯成立的附属实体,注册地址为 Office 308, Paralos building, Griva Digeni 137, 3101 Limassol, Cyprus,注册号为 HE 438084,通过服务水平协议。 TQBG Ltd 还可以代表公司作为支付处理商,并与第三方签订协议,代表公司处理或促进交易。
At opening and use of the trading account you give the personal information of Company Trade Quo Global LTD, which can be used in the business purposes, as that: processing of inquiries, trading/noncommercial operations, informing on services, the shares of company, special offers which can interest you, and also for headline news, reports of information and offers to express the opinion concerning work of our Company, realization of direct work with Clients, the identification card. The personal information can contain:
- 开户声明中指定的个人数据:姓氏、姓名、父名、地址、出生日期、护照数据以及电子邮件地址(电子邮件)、电话。
- 在本公司开立的交易账户信息。
Company Trade Quo Global LTD do not disclose the personal information to the third parties.
Company Trade Quo Global LTD possesses SSL Comodo that allows providing the maximum safety of protection of the personal data transferred by you.
您提供给我们的任何个人信息将被视为合作伙伴的机密和业务,在该措施中,业务交易所需的交易对手只能在公司、其分支机构(包括银行和信贷互助)的范围内传输关系。个人信息不会透露给任何第三方,除了联邦和州监管和执法机构答复相应的、合法发出的关于授予此类信息的询问,并有权向客户公开这些信息客户回应司法判决或出庭传票的交易。 Internet 站点跟踪系统还可以收集有关您访问过的页面的信息、您如何找到我们的 Internet 站点、您访问的频率等。我们收到的信息用于改进我们站点的信息和可用于我们以任何相关方式与您沟通,并向您提供我们认为对您有用的信息。
Cookie是一个小型的文本文件,保留在用户的电脑上用于进行记录。我们公司在我们的网站上使用 Cookie。我们建立常量Cookie以进行统计;此外,它还使我们有机会跟踪和指定网站以及我们用户的兴趣,并改善在网站上授予我们服务的体验。
如果个人信息发生变化,您应该通过电子邮件通知我们的客户支持服务中的公司 [email protected]
Occasionally, Trade Quo Global LTD may change or update this Privacy Statement at its discretion. In the event of significant changes of this Privacy Statement, the revised Privacy Statement will promptly be published on the Site. If you continue using the site after this announcement, it will automatically mean your consent to such changes.
如果您对安全政策有疑问,可以将其邮寄至 [email protected]