How to use Autoscale in Social Trading?

What is the Autoscale feature? 
The Autoscale feature in our Social Trading platform allows Autocopiers to automatically scale their trade sizes based on the Balance and Equity of the Leader they are copying.


How does Autoscale work? 
Autoscale ensures that when a Leader opens a trade, the Autocopier will open a corresponding trade size that is proportionate to their own Balance or Equity relative to the Leader’s account. For example, if a Leader with a Balance of $10,000 opens a trade of 1 lot, an Autocopier with a Balance/Equity of $2,000 and a multiplier of 1.5 will trade 0.3 lots

Your Leader with a Balance of $10,000 opens a trade of 1 lot. If you follows with a Balance/Equity of $2,000 and a Ratio Multiplier set to 1.5, yours trade size would be calculated as follows:

Leader’s Trade Size: 1 lot 
Autocopier’s Balance/Equity: $2,000 
Multiplier: 1.5

Autocopier’s Trade Size = 1 lot x ($2,000 / $10,000) x 1.5
Autocopier’s Trade Size = 1 lot x (0.2) x 1.5
Autocopier’s Trade Size = 0.3 lots

Therefore, you would open a trade of 0.3 lots, aligning with your account’s Balance/Equity proportion relative to your Leader’s account.


Can I customize the Ratio Multiplier?
Yes, you can customize the Ratio Multiplier based on your trading strategy. A Ratio Multiplier of 1 means trades are copied at the same proportion as the Leader. Adjusting the multiplier allows you to increase or decrease the trade size proportionally.


What happens if my Balance changes after setting up Autoscale?
Autoscale adjusts the open volume from copied signal based on your current Balance and Equity for each trade. If your Balance/Equity changes, the trade sizes will be recalculated accordingly.


Can I use Autoscale with multiple Leaders?
Yes, you can use Autoscale with multiple Leaders. Each Leader’s trades will be scaled based on your account’s Balance and Equity relative to that Leader’s account.


How does Autoscale handle multiple leaders on the same trading account?
Autoscale allows you to receive and execute trade signals from multiple leaders simultaneously on the same trading account. The trade volumes are automatically scaled proportionally based on your account Balance or Equity, ensuring effective risk management across all copied trades.


How is the trade volume calculated when using Autoscale with multiple leaders?
Autoscale calculates the trade volume for each leader based on your account’s Balance or Equity and a predefined multiplier. Here’s an example to illustrate:

Example Scenario:
Autoscale Setting: Equity-based, Multiplier: 0.5
Your Balance: $1000

Following Two Leaders:
Leader 1 with a Balance of $5000
Leader 2 with a Balance of $10,000


What happens when Leader 1 opens a trade?
When Leader 1 opens a trade, Autoscale calculates the trade volume for your account as follows:

Trade Volume = 0.5 x (1000/5000) = 0.1 
You will open a trade with 0.1 lot.


What if my equity changes after the first trade?
If your equity changes, Autoscale will adjust the trade volume accordingly. For instance, if your equity increases to $1200 after the first trade:

  1. Initial Equity: $1000
  2. Initial Trade Volume: 1 lot (based on $1000 equity)
  3. New Equity: $1200 (after the first trade)
  4. Adjusted Trade Volume: 1.2 lots (based on $1200 equity)

With Autoscale, the trade volume will increase proportionally to the change in equity, ensuring that your trades are scaled according to your current equity. This helps in maintaining consistent risk management and maximizing the potential gains based on the available equity.


What happens when Leader 2 opens a trade after my equity increases?
When Leader 2 opens a trade, Autoscale recalculates the trade volume based on your updated equity:

For example, at that time the Equity goes up to $1200
Trade Volume = 0.5 x (1200/10000) = 0.06 
You will open a trade with 0.06 lot.


Why is proportional scaling important?
Proportional scaling ensures that your trades are appropriately sized according to your account Equity/Balance and the leaders’ trades, maintaining balanced risk management across all copied trades. This helps in managing risk effectively and maintaining consistent trading strategies.


Is there a minimum account Balance required to use Autoscale?
There is no minimum Balance required to use Autoscale. However, your account Balance should be sufficient to copy trades at the scaled-down volume.


Can I disable Autoscale after enabling it?
Yes, you can disable Autoscale at any time by changing the Volume Scaling setting in your Subscription Strategy.


What are the benefits of using Autoscale?

  • Proportional Trade Copying: Trades are copied in proportion to the Autocopier’s account size, ensuring alignment with the Leader’s trading activities.
  • Enhanced Risk Management: By scaling trades based on account size, Autoscale helps manage risk more effectively for Autocopiers.
  • Automated Adjustment: The feature automatically adjusts trade sizes, providing a seamless experience for users.


How to Configure Autoscale?

  1. Go to the Subscription Strategy settings in your account.
  2. Select Volume Scaling as Autoscale.
  3. Choose Compared Value as Balance.
  4. Set the Ratio Multiplier to 1 (or any other value as per your strategy).
  5. Set the Copy Direction